Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Program in Asian Law

Building on its more than 40-year association with East Asia, its continuing commitment to training excellent lawyers from the region, and its growing research connections with Asian universities, the College of Law established the Asian Law, Politics and Society Program in 2003. The program's mission is to promote comparative scholarship and teaching on legal and social change in East Asia.
The Program has hosted distinguished speakers and visitors, conducted symposia, offered courses, initiated exchange programs, and supported scholarly research.
July 2007
July 2006
December 2005
July 2005
July 2004
Advisory Board
The Program draws on an advisory board of practicing lawyers and leading legal scholars from universities in Asia and the United States. The Board helps to identify key issues for future coverage, disseminates research results, and expands the network of the program interlocutors in Asia and the U.S.
Kyung-whan Ahn, Chairman, Human Rights Commission, Seoul, Korea
Setsuo Miyazawa, Aoyama Gakuin Law School, Tokyo, Japan
Kittisak Prokati, Thammasat University, Thailand
Yash Ghai, University of Hong Kong
Stanley Lubman, University of California at Berkeley
O-gon Kwon, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, The Hague

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