Thursday, July 30, 2009

Constituent Under-graduated Colleges

The Jinnah College for women, formally called University College for Women, was established in June 1964. The college provides educational opportunities to the University Employee’s children and young women of the NWFP on merit. It aims at producing enlightened and progressive young women. Maximum opportunities are provided for participation in extra curricular activities such as debates, dramatic and literary competitions and so on. Educational trips and study tours are also arranged.
Its two storied building consists of classrooms, lecture-theatres, laboratories, a library with two reading rooms, an office and a hall. The college has a number of lawns, a botanical garden and a large playground. The class-rooms, lecture theatres and laboratories are well maintained, with heating arrangements for winters. The laboratories are properly equipped and the library has a good collection of up-to-date reference books, text books and books in specialized fields. The college hall, the Safia Hassan Hall, has a seating capacity of 300 students and is the venue for different functions. The playground attached to the college is used for inter-class and inter college tournaments and college sports.

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